Jeff Wright Speaks Out on Cuts to Local Schools
New Memo Details More than $7.5 million in Cuts to 51st District Schools Since 2011
August 17, 2016
DODGEVILLE – Today, Jeff Wright, candidate for the 51st Assembly District, challenged the major school cuts detailed in a new memo on school funding. The memo shows that, since Republicans took control in 2010-2011, school districts that serve the students of the 51st District have lost more than $7.5 million in state aid. The figures come from the non-partisan Legislative Fiscal Bureau (LFB).
“Our state budget is a reflection of our priorities,” Wright said. “Recent budgets prove that our students and the communities of the 51st District have not been a priority for the state of Wisconsin. I cannot say with confidence that children throughout our district will have the same opportunities many of us had growing up in Wisconsin.”
The Legislative Fiscal Bureau memo detailed the changes in net school aid to districts from 2010-11 to 2015-16.
Over the past five years, 16 out of the 22 school districts serving students in the 51st Assembly District have experienced cuts under the Republican legislature, including:
Argyle -- $231,532
Black Hawk -- $743,443
Dodgeville -- $672,273
Mineral Point Unified -- $692,757
Monroe -- $1,442,972
Pecatonica Area -- $300,492
River Valley -- $753,997
Sauk Prairie -- $328,807
“Strong, accountable public schools are at the heart of our communities and are essential to the strength of our democracy and economy,” Jeff Wright said. “Our region’s high quality schools attract families and businesses and give all students opportunities to succeed. Our schools must be adequately supported to maintain programs that align with student interest and community need. One-party rule in Madison has been bad for rural Wisconsin and the schools of the 51st District.”
For the 2015-2017 budget, Republicans in the legislature also voted to transfer more than $750 million in taxpayer money from public schools to unaccountable private voucher schools, over the next decade. Although there are no taxpayer-subsidized voucher schools in the 51st District, local districts still face required reductions to fund the statewide voucher program.
Wright plans to bring his experience as a teacher, principal, and assistant superintendent to the State Assembly to fight for school programs that meet community needs, are responsive to student and parent feedback, and serve as magnets for new residents. “As our representative in the state capitol, I am committed to changing this by fighting for strong, supported schools and family-supporting economic growth.”
LFB Memo Link: